Friday 14 January 2011

Fargo : Crime thriller intro



In Fargo the main theme is a kidnapping. In the opening sequence they talk about how they are planning to kidnap the protagonists wife to enable him to gain a hefty some of money from his father-in-law. This also fits with another convention of a crime thriller because you follow the planning and execution of the kidnap.

The film contains a variety of different characters from varied backgrounds e.g. Theres a duo of bounty hunters with the dopey sidekick and the stereotypical 'leader'.

The protagonist, Jerry, is also seen as an outsider in his own family, his father-in-law says to him that Jerry's wife and son will always free of money troubles, but he doesn't include Jerry in this. Also his idea of the line between right and wrong is blurred, because any normal man wouldn't plan the kidnap of his own wife just to get money, he would do it by vaguely decent means.


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